Size & Fit Technology

Feet Sizr Technology from BosqueBespoke on Vimeo.

Our shoes are available in US, EU, UK & JP sizing scales.

We highly recommend taking a few extra minutes to use the FeetSizr technology to ensure your shoes fit just right.  Follow the prompts before checking out.

How do I size my feet?

Begin by downloading the FeetSizr App.  Follow the prompts and in three easy steps you will electronically find your proper shoe size.

1.) Grab a a partner, a sheet of US Letter Size Paper + some good lighting.

2.) Lay the paper on the floor and place the front half of your foot on the paper (see video tutorial). Make sure the paper is free from wrinkles or stains.

3.) Your partner will need to take 3 pictures of each foot for a total of six (Inside, Top & Exterior).  Within a few seconds you will receive you size code that you will enter at checkout.